KEKUASAAN NEGARA MENURUT UUD 1945 (Analisa Kewenangan Lembaga Negara)


>>> This journal is discontinued >>>>> Available at: The division of power in the government system is an effort in checking and balancing the interaction between agencies in the governance activity and preventing power to be held by only one hand. Amendment of The Indonesian Constitution 1945 by Indonesia government is a step to represent the democracy an constitution of the state, according to the constitutional system. The Amendment consists same changes to the Indonesian constitution, related to the check and balance of power. Firstly it has one agency which level is decreased from the highest agency into a high level agency Secondly the amendment has several agencies to experience a reduction and a boost up of power. More ever a new agency is being established as an impact of the amendment. Due to the alteration in the constitution system, the Parliament, at present, has very limited authority It only responsible for composing amendment of the Constitution 1945, installing the President and Vice President, and also addressing impeachment. Ironically with so few duties, its existence still absorb a big budget.

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